
we forget we are at war

I'm so tired of war. I'm tired of conflict. I'm tired of feeling like I am in the mud and somebody keeps shoving my face in it, and then woohoo I get a new camera and I forget the mud, and then splurgh, I take a big gulp of it and choke. Can I be like a child. Can I learn to play despite the tank. Can I learn to be thankful despite the poverty of hope I feel at the moment? Thankful like a child feels for the rest he finds cupped in his pappa's arms? I don't know. Mi Pappa, help me to see that you are bigger than me, that you can hold my hand, and you can hold me steady when I flail around trying to do my own thing.


Dire Straits

Friends, This is what I feel like. (see http://creaturesinmyhead.com) for what you might feel like? Brighton is NOT sleeping. We have had 4 nights since the last prayer letter where Brighton has slept one 4 hour chunk. That was beautiful. Wonderful. But it did not last. We are tired, and distressed. (Let us know if you don't want to get these letters :) Please pray for us:
  • 1. Pray that Amy and I would seek the kingdom. Right now I think that looks like seeking our Pappa's arms like a child frightened by a storm in need of reassurance and protection.
  • 2. Pray that we would learn to pray like children who are kids, rather than children who are adults. I recently remarked to some friends that I feel like God is my father who sent me to Prayer college and payed my tuition (Jesus) and now I have to show him it was worth it. Pray for BELIEF!!! Cause that's a lie from Satan's rear end.
  • 3. Pray that fruit would come from whatever it is that Jesus is taking us through. Pray that HE really would be glorified as we move through these peculiar circumstances.
  • 4. The most dangerous of all prayers on this list: Pray that Brighton would turn a corner and start sleeping more consistently. Pray that Amy and I would take God's lead on how to parent in the face of a bagillion ways to do it, and all of them claim to be the way, the truth, and the life.
I am too tired to write down any more circumstances about why we need these prayers. I guess I hope it is evident from the picture and from the prayer needs. Let me say this: THANK YOU for PRAYING. and especially THANK YOU, to all of you who are willing to let us know how to pray for you. We were IMMENSELY encouraged by the onslaught of prayer requests that we got from friends and family after our last email. When we are called upon to pray for you guys we are called upon to go and be with our Pappa. This is a really really good thing. Thank you. Matthew. (for Ames and Baby Boo)

The Veggie Patch

So the three little veggies had an awesome time at their first Halloween party together. From left to right is Matthew - as "Tomacco" (check out the Simpsons site for explanation)with his Roma Tomato, Brighton. Zach - as a bunny with his Carrot, Zady. Geoff - as Lance Armstrong with his Sweet Pea, Clara...and his little bear/lion, Benicio, down in the corner. The mom's are off boozing it up being free of their babies and all...just kidding ;0) Thanks Claudie for the awesome party! We had a blast.